Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Still have another question?

There are many different techniques to develop a team. Which techniques do you use?

Well, there are many different techniques to grow a team. The techniques we use depend greatly on the development needs of a team.

First and foremost, it is important to listen and investigate in an appreciative manner what is going on in the team (or rather 'the real question') and then get to work on it.

Here are some methods we will use:

  • Appreciative research – working in an experience-oriented way, learning from each other (letting people share their experiences/tell stories in a generative way)
  • Team role analysis – in contrast to the functional role, the character role in a team is often underexposed, and we bring this to the surface through a team role analysis.
  • Peak performer – instrument to measure the performance/collaboration of a team

How do you really turn a group into a team?

  • As a team coach we facilitate a group in being a 'team', working with team dynamics
  • Each team is unique and therefore requires a tailor-made approach to the group. By listening attentively and feeling at what stage a group is in and depending on what the common goal is, we will work together with the group towards their goal. If something gets in the way (the so-called elephant in the room), we will tackle it with specific working methods, with attention to balance at task level, process level or relationship level.
  • Getting a feel for what is going on in the team – what themes are there and how can we discuss them.
  • Common themes: trust in the team; conflict management; what gives energy; discussing things, decision-making, involvement, expressing roles and expectations...

How do career checks work?

If you have a job, you can follow 7 hours of career guidance every 6 years with career checks. For your first check you pay 45 euros for 4 hours. For your second check 45 euros for 3 hours. You can request these checks from the VDAB. More information can be found on the VDAB website .

Frequently Asked Questions

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