Belbin® team role model

The Belbin® team role model

In the 1970s, a business game was developed at the Henley Management College in Cambridge (UK) to investigate the characteristics of successful (and less successful) teams. This gave rise to the Belbin® team role model, a social-psychological model developed by Dr. Meredith Belbin to identify and categorize the different roles that individuals assume within a team. The model is used worldwide in coaching, training and advising individuals, teams and organizations.

Benefits of the Belbin® team role model

At Katara we use the Belbin® team role model to map the different character roles of a team and improve cooperation and effectiveness. Each individual has their own role in the team, but also 1 or 2 preferred roles. Understanding these roles can provide significant benefits to the team in terms of productivity, communication, and overall success:

  • Improved Team Dynamics : Understanding team roles helps create balanced teams with complementary skills, reducing conflict and promoting collaboration.

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Ability : Teams can tackle complex problems more effectively because they have a diverse set of roles, each contributing a unique perspective.

  • Increased Productivity : Teams can work more efficiently when roles are clearly defined, leading to better time management and task allocation.

  • Better Communication : Belbin roles promote open and effective communication because team members understand each other's strengths and weaknesses.

  • More Motivation : When individuals have roles that match their strengths, they are more motivated and engaged in their work.

  • Flexibility : Teams can more easily adapt to changing circumstances when they have a range of roles at their disposal.

  • Improved Decision Making : Balanced teams can make more informed decisions by considering different points of view and aspects.

Are you also curious about how Belbin® can be used in your team?

Katara is accredited by Belbin UK. Our trainers/coaches have all completed training and have years of experience with the model. Want to know more about the Belbin® model? Follow the link to

Belbin® team role model

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