Career Guidance

Your step towards a new job

How do I deal with a high workload?

How do I find out what I actually like?

Do you have questions about your career?

Do you doubt that you might not be able to get more out of life?

Are you thinking about becoming self-employed? 

Looking for a better balance between your work and your private situation?

We help you and we do that by starting with YOU. 

How does job career guidance work?

Career Guidance within Katara

During your career guidance we talk about it TOGETHER

- what moves you ("Who am I?"), 

- your dreams and intentions ("What do I want?"), 

- what are you good at, your skills ("What can I do?")

How YOU are going to bring these together and really do something about them.

Discuss your question and situation with a Katara coach for free and without obligation.

Gain insight into your qualities, competencies and what you find important in your career.

Create a personal business plan together with your coach that indicates what steps you want to take.

This way you not only know what you want, but also how you can achieve it.

Finally, you and your coach discuss how you experienced your guidance and whether you would like to make any adjustments.

Our coaches are passionate about people, dreams, independence, sports and are open to everyone.

Contact us for a free introduction, and discover if career guidance is for you

Contact us

For Career guidance, you can make use of the 'loopbaancheques' by VDAB.

How do "loopbaancheques" work? 

Our Partner: Pygmalion coaching


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